The Silence of God


Life has a way of taking the wind out of your sails. There are days when you are riding high and without notice, the bottom falls out.  It rains on the just and the unjust. It doesn’t matter what your title may be, what position you may hold or what contributions you may make; life happens! This psalm is from someone on the verge of giving up because of his sin and the absence of hearing from God.

What happens when there is a “Word Famine” in the land? How do you deal with life when God goes silent?

Consider the following during those times when God is silent:

1. God’s silence is not necessarily God’s rejection

2. God’s silence is a time of reflection

3. God’s silence is a time for personal examination  

4. God’s silence is a time of accountability

5. God’s silence is a time for complete trust in Him

 In times of personal challenge God does not mind us telling Him exactly how we really feel. This is the time for honest and sincere prayer dialogue with God. Oh if we would only be real with God.

Through it all God did not interrupt the psalmist; just listened. How well do we listen? Why are we so quick to respond?

Every day will not be sunny. We all wrestle with depression and grief that takes time to heal. In times like these there is hope in knowing where to turn. The psalmist determined, “You are the God of my salvation.” And this is enough to hold on to, even when God is silent.