Redemption (part 3)

God’s original plan for humanity was disrupted in the Garden. Man rejected not only God’s love, but His sovereignty over him (life apart from/without God). This came at a great expense. “The wages of sin is death.” We were separated from God with no means of re-establishing the relationship. No means of approaching God without dying. TRAGEDY!


Can I encourage you right here? God’s grace towards us was greater than our offense towards Him. Our sin did not change God’s plan towards us but increased the intensity of His love. God down-shifted or revved-up the engines of grace towards us in order that the plan of the enemy would be confounded


The Passion of Christ and His death on the Cross demonstrate for us the extreme measures taken for our sin sick souls. God, in the person of Jesus, left heaven, born of the flesh, lived as a man, persecuted for righteousness sake, tortured at the hands of His accusers (fellow countrymen), was nailed to a cross and buried in a borrowed tomb. Why? It was for the joy that was set before Him. The joy in knowing that the will of the Father was being completed, that restoration with His prized possession was being accomplished. However, Redemption comes at a great cost!


God has provided for us a picture or type through the sacrificial system by which we may be saved. We are much like Israel. God has revealed himself to us but we have chosen to reject his love. However, the sacrificial system provides for Israel a picture of partnership with God in order that God does not attack them for their ungodly living.


Can I share something with you: Living in a crooked world makes you choose to live holy or to live like wicked and unrighteous men! Every day we are faced with this challenge. Sin sits crouched outside our doors waiting to pounce on us. The bible teaches us that “the devil is as a roaring lying seeking whom he may devour.” Temptation is calling our names and enticing us with worldly pleasures. We have to make a choice.


Through the sacrificial system God has provided a substitute to die on our behalf. Without a sacrifice man must deal with his own sin issue which will not turn out good for him. No rules or regulations can solve our dilemma. We can’t do enough. We aren’t good enough. We can’t give enough. We soon see the futility of our living. This is a picture of hopelessness. It is also a picture where Satan wins, where God fails to maintain His created order…eternal fellowship with man.


Our righteousness before God is not earned by our efforts but through the redemptive process. Here we see that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sin. Sinful man has to stand before Holy God and give account for his living. What can sinful may say to a holy God.


Know this and rejoice: Redemption is not an afterthought or a knee jerk reaction by God because of man’s sin, it was a fore thought in the heart of God in eternity before there was ever time!