Making Hard Decisions

Is there anyone reading this that has not had to face any difficult decisions? (Large Family to feed and just enough in the cupboards to feed your children_ Parent on assistance, baby hungry and need clothes, parent is an addict, where will he or she spend the money?

In worship service down to your last ten dollars, do you give it to the Lord or try to divide it up for lunch money for the week?  What went through your mind?  Just how did you handle it?

Many of us have been down this road before with varying results.  We have made some good choices and we have made some bad ones.  Neither of which have killed us. Hopefully in those experiences we have learned something.  Hopefully we have learned who we are and what our limitations are; and who God is and what He is willing to do for them that He has called and chosen.

Today I ask you, “Do you belong to God?  Do you know for a fact that He has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light?  Do you realize that sometimes in this life that God puts us in places we did not ask to be in, but He has chosen us to be used for His glory?”  What the world may view as wrong, God views as an opportunity to grow ministry, to challenge His people to grow to another level.  I want to encourage and applaud you if this is you and you are in this position today.  God will not place you where His love cannot keep you.