Ever since Satan and the group of fallen angels were kicked out of heaven, it appears that an atmosphere of warfare was created. This warfare as we know it today is spiritual and is between God and Satan. It is spiritual vs. unspiritual, good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, and righteousness vs. unrighteousness. Whether visible or invisible you better believe that there is a battle going on, and the battle is over your soul.
The human body is warring within itself. It heals itself by launching an attack against any foreign invaders. Based upon the preparation and condition of the body, the outcome of the battle can be determined. Believers and followers of Christ must always be prepared for battle because warfare is a constant (spirit against flesh).
But most Christians truly are not prepared for war. We have become lazy and complacent. Christians have become comfortable in their salvation and are really not concerned about the lost. If this isn’t true, why then do we pass by dying folk every Sunday on our way to church, and talk about them when we get there saying, “They know they ought to be in church. Look at them! They should be ashamed of themselves. They need Jesus.” Have you ever thought that if you stopped to tell them who Jesus is, they may come?
Listen, when they do come, don’t make them feel guilty about the life styles they live, they know they are not right with God. They are here to receive help. Churches are to be hospitals for the sick, not hotels for the saints. Stop being cowards and help somebody. Christians have become afraid of the very ones we should be reaching out to and sharing the word with. Why are we afraid of our children? We need to spend more time putting the fear of God in them and we wouldn’t have to worry about them killing one another. It is time that we, the Church, stand up, step up and speak up so that the loss comes home.