Bloom Where You Are Planted (part3)

I just want to briefly share with you two lives in the bible that bloomed where they were planted.


1.) Most loved of his father_ given coat of many colors

2.) Hated by his brothers_ Sold him into slavery

3.) Accused of sexual assault and arrested_ imprisoned for two years

4.) Abandoned by those with jailhouse religion (Baker, Butler)

Joseph bloomed where he was planted because he knew God was with him and became the Prime Minister of Egypt, second in rule and rank only to Pharaoh. What others mean for wrong, God turned to good!

Jesus:  Jesus bloomed where He was planted.  In the midst of an unfaithful generation he was planted.  Among people who could not be trusted he sprouted up.  For those who were unworthy and un-loyal He gave his life.

I learned from this experience that each of us is to let the seed of God’s word be planted in us through the foolishness of preaching; for it is by the foolishness of preaching whereby men shall be saved.

Let the word take root on a sure foundation; who is Jesus Christ. As this seed is watered with prayer, it will begin to show life. As it is nurtured with bible study it will burst forth as a new born baby. When the Son shines, you will begin to stretch out. When the Son shines, you will be nourished with love, tenderness, and compassion. When the Son shines, you will be strengthened in order that you may be able to stand against the contrary winds that will blow in your life.

After you have developed a consistent prayer life, after you have developed a consistent study life, after you have begun to understand the value of fellowship with other believers, He will come and baptize you with the Holy Ghost.  Yes!  That is when you bloom.  That’s when you stand tall.  That’s when you get a holy boldness about your living.

I know that I am a podium preacher.  Standing behind this sacred desk I feel secure in Christ.  But when my help comes I can step out from behind the desk and come on down among the people with a holy boldness.  I know it is not about me but, the Christ in me.  I’m just like you.  I hurt; have pains, difficulties and needs.  I just try to live a life that is transparent. I want you to see through me to Jesus.  It’s his life that I want you to see.  Just as Jesus had to die, I found out that I had to die also, to self.  He said that if any man would come after Him he must first deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Him.  Jesus said that “unless a cornel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it cannot live.”   Therefore I now understand if I die with Him, I shall also be raised with Him.

God knows what He has planted in you.  The DNA is prepackaged.  There is life in the seed.  In Christ dwells the fullness of the God-head and He chooses to dwell in you.  That’s the mystery of the gospel that this world desires to know. God living in us!  Bloom where you are planted